miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

COM-passion for Care

Lo he visto en http://www.compassionforcare.com/en/

7 Reasons to cultivate compassion in your staff

  1. Increase patient satisfaction scores
    Patients who experience compassion give hospitals the highest ratings – and then go on to tell all of their friends about the wonderful staff who looked after them.
  2. Increase staff morale and retention
    You will keep your best people longer, and they will hold standards of care higher, when they are invited to bring their hearts to work.
  3. Reduce risk of litigation
    As a rule of thumb, people don't sue people they like.
  4. Improve patient safety
    Better communication with patients equals fewer mistakes.
  5. Conserve hospital resources
    People who feel cared about under-use resources. They tend to use fewer pain medications and are usually discharged sooner because their needs are met the first time.
  6. Save staff time
    Spend less time doing damage control for the clumsy communicators who cause misunderstandings and hurt patients' feelings.
  7. Better medical outcomes
    Research shows that patients who experience empathy are far more likely to stick with their medical regimen, and therefore get better results.

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